Name | Description | Type |
Code | The message code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Text | The message text. | String |
Severity | The severity of the message. (Info = 0, Warning = 1, Fatal = 2) | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
PageNumber | The current page number. | Int |
Total | The total records available. | Int |
HasMoreRecords | Whether or not an additional page is available. | Boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
Code | A partner defined code. This value can be set in Partners => Settings => Partner Reference | String |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The partner's name. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The company name. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The contact's name. | String |
WorksFor | The contact's company. | Company |
Name | Description | Type |
ISO | The ISO 3166 2 character country code. | String |
ISO3 | The ISO 3166 3 character country code. | String |
Name | The name. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
City | The city. | String |
PostalCode | The postal code. | String |
State | The state. | String |
StreetLine1 | The first street line. | String |
StreetLine2 | The second street line. | String |
StreetLine3 | The third street line. | String |
Country | The country where the address resides. | Country |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Code | The company defined warehouse code. | String |
Address | The physical warehouse address. | Address |
DisplayName | The company defined warehouse name. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Company | The company name. | String |
Attention | The attention name. | String |
PhoneNumber | The phone number. | PhoneNumber |
EmailAddress | The email address. | String |
City | The city. | String |
PostalCode | The postal code. | String |
State | The state. | String |
StreetLine1 | The first street line. | String |
StreetLine2 | The second street line. | String |
StreetLine3 | The third street line. | String |
Country | The country where the address resides. | Country |
Name | Description | Type |
PhoneNumber | The remittance phone number. | PhoneNumber |
FaxNumber | The remittance fax number. | PhoneNumber |
Company | The remittance company name. | String |
City | The remittance city. | String |
PostalCode | The remittance postal code. | String |
State | The remittance state. | String |
StreetLine1 | The first remittance street line. | String |
StreetLine2 | The second remittance street line. | String |
StreetLine3 | The third remittance street line. | String |
Country | The country where the remittance address resides. | Country |
Name | Description | Type |
IsResidential | Whether or not the address is residential. | Boolean |
Company | The shipping company name. | String |
Attention | The shipping attention name. | String |
PhoneNumber | The shipping phone number. | PhoneNumber |
EmailAddress | The shipping email address. | String |
City | The shipping city. | String |
PostalCode | The shipping postal code. | String |
State | The shipping state. | String |
StreetLine1 | The first shipping street line. | String |
StreetLine2 | The second shipping street line. | String |
StreetLine3 | The third shipping street line. | String |
Country | The country where the shipping address resides. | Country |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
URL | The URL to the asset. | String |
Type | The asset type. (Image = 0, Document = 1, ShippingDocument = 2, Unknown = 100) | Int |
Name | The asset name. | String |
Description | The description. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Text | The comment text. | String |
CreatedBy | The person who posted the contact. | Contact |
CreatedAt | The date/time when comment posted. | DateTime |
Name | Description | Type |
Value | The value. | Decimal |
Units | The currency type. (USD = 0) | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Length | The length. | Decimal |
Width | The width. | Decimal |
Height | The height. | Decimal |
Units | The unit of measure. (IN = 0, CM = 1) | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Units | The unit of measure. (None = 0, Pounds = 10, Grams = 20, Kilograms = 30) | Int |
Value | The value. | Decimal |
Name | Description | Type |
CountryISO | The country code. | String |
Number | The unformatted phone number. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Units | The unit of measure. (Each = 0) | Int |
Value | The value. | Decimal |
Name | Description | Type |
ExpectedAt | The expected date. | DateTime |
Units | The unit of measure. (Each = 0) | Int |
Value | The value. | Decimal |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The carrier name. | String |
Code | The unique carrier code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Carrier | The carrier. | Carrier |
Name | The method name. | String |
Code | The unique carrier method code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
TrackingURL | The carrier's url. | String |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The carrier name. | String |
Code | The unique carrier code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Carrier | The carrier. | CarrierResult |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The method name. | String |
Code | The unique carrier method code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Code | Value | |
AIT | AIT | |
ARAMEX | Amarex | |
AMZNL | Amazon Logistics | |
AMZN | Amazon Prime | |
BEST | Best Carrier | |
CNWY | Conway | |
CSTPKP | Customer Pickup | |
DAYTON | Dayton Freight | |
DEMAR | Demar Logistics | Inc. |
DHL | DHL | |
DYNAMEX | Dynamex | |
ESTE | Estes Express Lines | |
FDX | FedEx | |
FDXSP | FedEx SmartPost | |
LKEMOEX | Lakeville Motor Express | |
LNDMRK | Landmark | |
LSRSHP | Lasership | |
NE | Newegg Premier | |
ONTRAC | OnTrac Shipping | |
PILOT | Pilot Freight Services | |
RNL | R & L Carriers | |
REDDAWY | Reddaway | |
ROADRNR | Roadrunner | |
RDWY | Roadway | |
UCFS | United California Freight Solutions | |
UPS | UPS | |
IPARCEL | UPS IParcel | |
UPSMI | UPS Mail Innovation | |
UPSSP | UPS SurePost | |
XPO | XPO Logistics | |
YT | YRC Freight |
Code | Value | |
AITNH | AIT – Freight | |
AITWG | AIT – Freight | |
ARAMEX | Amarex – International | |
AMZNL | Amazon Logistics – Delivery | |
AMZNBST | Amazon Prime – Best Rate | |
AMZNDFT | Amazon Prime – Default | |
AMZNFDX2D | Amazon Prime – FedEx 2Day | |
AMZNFDX2DAM | Amazon Prime – FedEx 2Day A.M. | |
AMZNFDX3D | Amazon Prime – FedEx Express Saver | |
AMZNFDXGD | Amazon Prime – FedEx Ground | |
AMZNFDXHD | Amazon Prime – FedEx Home Delivery | |
AMZNFDX1DP | Amazon Prime – FedEx Priority Overnight | |
AMZNFDX1D | Amazon Prime – FedEx Standard Overnight | |
AMZNGTD | Amazon Prime – Guaranteed | |
AMZNUPS2D | Amazon Prime – UPS 2nd Day Air | |
AMZNUPS3D | Amazon Prime – UPS 3 Day Select | |
AMZNUPSGND | Amazon Prime – UPS Ground | |
AMZNUPS1D | Amazon Prime – UPS Next Day Air | |
AMZNUPS1DS | Amazon Prime – UPS Next Day Air Saver | |
AMZNUSPSFC | Amazon Prime – USPS First Class | |
AMZNUSPSPSBN | Amazon Prime – USPS Parcel Select | |
AMZNUSPSPRI | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail | |
AMZNUSPSEXP | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Express | |
AMZNUSPSEXPLFRE | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Express Legal Flat Rate Envelope | |
AMZNUSPSEXPPFRE | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Express Legal Flat Rate Envelope | |
AMZNUSPSEXPFRE | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Express® Flat Rate Envelope | |
AMZNUSPSPRIMFRB | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Box | |
AMZNUSPSPRIFRE | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope | |
AMZNUSPSPRILFRB | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Box | |
AMZNUSPSPRILFRE | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Legal Flat Rate Envelope | |
AMZNUSPSPRIPFRE | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Padded Flat Rate Envelope | |
AMZNUSPSPRIRA | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Regional Rate Box A | |
AMZNUSPSPRIRB | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Regional Rate Box B | |
AMZNUSPSPRISFRB | Amazon Prime – USPS Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box | |
BESTGD | Best Carrier – Ground | |
BEST1D | Best Carrier – One Day | |
BESTGDVAL | Best Carrier – Post | |
BEST3D | Best Carrier – Three Day | |
BEST2D | Best Carrier – Two Day | |
CNWY | Conway – Freight | |
CSTPKP | Customer Pickup – Pickup | |
DAYTON | Dayton Freight – Freight | |
DMRDI | Demar Logistics | Inc. – Delivery and Install |
DMRTH | Demar Logistics | Inc. – Threshold |
DHLE | DHL – Express | |
DHLEWW | DHL – Express Worldwide | |
DHLSMP | DHL – SmartMail Parcel | |
DHLSMPP | DHL – SmartMail Parcel Plus | |
DYNAMEXLM | Dynamex – Last Mile | |
ESTE | Estes Express Lines – Freight | |
FDX2D | FedEx – 2-Day | |
FDX2DAM | FedEx – 2-Day AM | |
FDX3D | FedEx – Express Saver | |
FDX1DFT | FedEx – First Overnight | |
FDXGD | FedEx – Ground | |
FDXHD | FedEx – Home Delivery | |
FDX1DPR | FedEx – Priority Overnight | |
FDX1D | FedEx – Standard Overnight | |
FDXSPPS | FedEx SmartPost – Parcel Select | |
FDXSPPSLW | FedEx SmartPost – Parcel Select Lightweight | |
LKEMOEX | Lakeville Motor Express – Freight | |
LNDMRK | Landmark – International | |
LSRSHPMI | Lasership – Last Mile | |
NE1D | Newegg Premier – Best 1 Day | |
NE2D | Newegg Premier – Best 2 Day | |
NE3D | Newegg Premier – Best 3 Day | |
NEFDX2D | Newegg Premier – FedEx 2Day | |
NEFDX3D | Newegg Premier – FedEx Express Saver | |
NEFDXGD | Newegg Premier – FedEx Ground | |
NEFDXHD | Newegg Premier – FedEx Home Delivery | |
NEFDX1DP | Newegg Premier – FedEx Priority Overnight | |
NEFDX1D | Newegg Premier – FedEx Standard Overnight | |
NEGD | Newegg Premier – Ground | |
NEUPS2D | Newegg Premier – UPS 2nd Day Air | |
NEUPS3D | Newegg Premier – UPS 3 Day Select | |
NEUPSGD | Newegg Premier – UPS Ground | |
NEUPS1D | Newegg Premier – UPS Next Day Air | |
NEUPS1DSVR | Newegg Premier – UPS Next Day Air Saver | |
ONTRAC | OnTrac Shipping – Freight | |
PILOT | Pilot Freight Services – Freight | |
RNL | R & L Carriers – Freight | |
REDDAWY | Reddaway – Freight | |
ROADRNR | Roadrunner – Freight | |
RDWY | Roadway – Freight | |
SAIA | SAIA – Freight | |
UCFS | United California Freight Solutions – Freight | |
UPS2D | UPS – 2nd Day Air | |
UPSDAM | UPS – 2nd Day Air Early AM | |
UPS3D | UPS – 3 Day | |
UPSFR | UPS – Freight | |
UPSGD | UPS – Ground | |
UPS1DPR | UPS – Next Day Air | |
UPS1DFT | UPS – Next Day Air Early AM | |
UPS1D | UPS – Next Day Air Saver | |
IPARCEL | UPS IParcel – Export | |
UPSMIECM | UPS Mail Innovation – Economy Mail | |
UPSMIEXM | UPS Mail Innovation – Expedited Mail | |
UPSMIFCM | UPS Mail Innovation – First Class Mail | |
UPSMIPR | UPS Mail Innovation – Priority | |
UPSMIPRM | UPS Mail Innovation – Priority Mail | |
UPSSPG1 | UPS SurePost – 1lb and Greater | |
UPSSPPM | UPS SurePost – Bound Printed Matter | |
UPSSPL1 | UPS SurePost – Less then 1lb | |
UPSSPMD | UPS SurePost – Media | |
USPSEXP | USPS – Express | |
USPSFC | USPS – First Class Mail | |
USPSPAR | USPS – Parcel Post | |
USPSPRS | USPS – Parcel Select | |
USPSPRI | USPS – Priority Mail | |
XPO | XPO Logistics – Freight | |
YTGD | YRC Freight – Freight |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Code | The unique payment method code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Name | The payment method name. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
CreatedAt | The date the message created. | DateTime |
Event | The event type that created the notification. | Int |
Type | The type of record referenced. Types include Batch, Blog, Report PurchaseOrder, SalesOrder, VirtualInventory, PhysicalInventory, Feeds, ChannelRequest, and VendorRequest | String |
RecordId | The id of the record referenced in the notification. | Guid |
RecordNumber | The value generally referenced by a user of the application. | String |
Message | The text of the notification. | String |
Status | The notification's status (0 = Unread, 1 = Read, 2 = Archived). | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Label | The shipment label type. (Unknown = 0, Label = 1, CustomsDocument = 2, HighValueDocument = 3, BillOfLading = 4) | Int |
Format | The label format. (Laser = 0, Thermal = 1, PDF = 2) | Int |
FreightCharge | The freight amount. | Currency |
CarrierMethod | The carrier method. | CarrierMethod |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
URL | A link to the label. | String |
Type | The file type. (Image = 0, Document = 1, ShippingDocument = 2, Unknown = 100) | Int |
Name | The file name. | String |
Description | The file description. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Weight | The shipping weight. | Weight |
Dimensions | The shipping dimensions. | Dimensions |
Warranty | The warranty details. | CatalogWarranty |
Condition | The condition details. | CatalogCondition |
Packaging | The packaging details. | CatalogPackaging |
InBox | A list of package contents. | String[] |
Title | The item title. (max 100 characters) | String |
AltTitle | An alternate title. (max 55 characters) | String |
AltTitle2 | An alternate title. (max 55 characters) | String |
Manufacturer | The manufacturer. | CatalogManufacturer |
Brand | The brand. | CatalogManufacturer |
SKUs | One or more sku identifiers for the item. | CatalogSKU[] |
Country | The country of origin. | Country |
Category | The category. | CatalogCategory |
Attributes | The attributes collected detailing the item. | CatalogAttribute[] |
Pricing | The MSRP and SRP of the item. | CatalogPricing |
Features | A list of features. | String[] |
SpecSheetURL | The URL to specification details. | String |
Description | A long description of the item. | String |
PrimaryImage | The primary image. | Asset |
AdditionalImages | The list of additional images. | Asset[] |
Documents | The list of documents. | Asset[] |
Tags | A list of words or phrases that aid in text searches. | String[] |
InitializeOnly | Forces Quipt to only use the included content on insert. | Boolean |
VersionNumber | This property is only read-only. It is incremented with each catalog item change. | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
MSRP | The manufacturer suggested retail price. | Currency |
MSRPURL | The web location where the MSRP is listed. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The category name. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Code | The attribute code. Click here for a list of attributes per category. | String |
Name | The attribute name. | String |
Value | The attribute value. | String[] |
Section | The section. | CatalogAttributeSection |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The condition. | String |
Code | The unique condition code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Code | Value |
REFURBMAN | Certified Refurbished |
NEW | New |
NOB | New Open Box |
REFURB3RD | Refurbished |
SCRADDNT | Scratch and Dent Refurbished |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The manufacturer name. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The name. | String |
Code | The unique packaging code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Code | Value |
RETAIL | Retail Packaging |
GENERIC | Brown/White Box |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | The section name. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Type | The type. (None = 0, MPN = 5, UPC = 10, ISBN = 15, GTIN = 20, Buycom = 25, ASIN = 30) | Int |
Value | The value. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Duration | The warranty duration. | String |
The email to contact for warranty support. | String | |
PhoneNumber | The phone number to contact for warranty support. | PhoneNumber |
Provider | The provider of the warranty. (None = 0, Manufacturer = 5, Distributor = 10) | Int |
URL | The URL to visit for warranty support. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
MapId | This value is generated by Quipt and is used to communicate sku details with the channel partners. | String |
Catalog | The skus content details. | Catalog |
MinPurchaseQuantity | The minimum number of units that must be purchased. (Not currently enforced.) | Int |
MultiplePurchaseQuantity | The quantity multiple that must be purchased. (Not currently enforced.) | Int |
LeadTimeInDays | The number of days needed to ship inventory. | Int |
UnitsPerCarton | The number of units that can be combined into a single shipment. | Int |
UserDefined1 | A custom field that can be used to move data through an inventory item. | String |
UserDefined2 | A custom field that can be used to move data through an inventory item. | String |
Notes | The last comment applied to the inventory item. | String |
Tags | Word or phrase that can be used to locate the item. | String[] |
Weight | The shipping weight of a single unit. | Weight |
Dimensions | The shipping dimensions of a single unit. Most carriers now ship using dimensional weight, so take care to provide an accurate value. | Dimensions |
DropShipOption | Flag whether or not an item can be drop shipped to end users, or must be shipped to a reseller. (No = 0, Only = 5, Yes = 10) (Not currently enforced.) | Int |
Locations | The physical locations where the inventory resides. | InventoryLocation[] |
Id | The Quipt assigned id. | Guid |
SKU | The SKU that is provided by the merchant. | String |
Cost | The cost of the item to the merchant. This value is used to provide profit reporting. To exclude tracking enter a value of 0. | Currency |
Feeds | The retailer specific pricing details. | Feed[] |
Flags | Apply actions to the inventory and related catalog item. It is expected to sum the integer values to apply multiple actions. Options include: AllowContentUpdate = 2, AttemptPublish = 8, AutoMatchByUPC = 32, AutoMatchByMPNAndManufacturer = 64, BuildTitleAndFeatures = 256 | Int |
Pricing | Pricing to apply to all channels. Otherwise leave null. | FeedPricing |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt assigned id. | Guid |
Status | The items current status. (New = 0, Completed = 10, Discontinued = 20, Published = 30, Outsourced = 40) | Int |
MapId | This value is generated by Quipt and is used to communicate sku details with the channel partners. | String |
Catalog | The skus content details. | Catalog |
MinPurchaseQuantity | The minimum number of units that must be purchased. (Not currently enforced.) | Int |
MultiplePurchaseQuantity | The quantity multiple that must be purchased. (Not currently enforced.) | Int |
LeadTimeInDays | The number of days needed to ship inventory. | Int |
UnitsPerCarton | The number of units that can be combined into a single shipment. | Int |
UserDefined1 | A custom field that can be used to move data through an inventory item. | String |
UserDefined2 | A custom field that can be used to move data through an inventory item. | String |
Notes | The last comment applied to the inventory item. | String |
Tags | Word or phrase that can be used to locate the item. | String[] |
Weight | The shipping weight of a single unit. | Weight |
Dimensions | The shipping dimensions of a single unit. Most carriers now ship using dimensional weight, so take care to provide an accurate value. | Dimensions |
DropShipOption | Flag whether or not an item can be drop shipped to end users, or must be shipped to a reseller. (No = 0, Only = 5, Yes = 10) (Not currently enforced.) | Int |
Locations | The physical locations where the inventory resides. | InventoryLocation[] |
Id | The Quipt assigned id. | Guid |
SKU | The SKU that is provided by the merchant. | String |
Cost | The cost of the item to the merchant. This value is used to provide profit reporting. To exclude tracking enter a value of 0. | Currency |
Feeds | The retailer specific pricing details. | Feed[] |
Comments | A historical list of notes applied to the item. | Comment[] |
Vendor | The owner of the item. | Company |
Name | Description | Type |
Quantity | The quantity located in the bin. | Quantity |
Location | Free text. The value should be unique per InventoryLocation. | String |
UserDefined1 | Free text. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Purge | Whether or not to purge the current bin collection prior to update. | Boolean |
Collection | The list of bins. | InventoryBin[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Number | The serial number. Serial numbers are unique by either per inventory item or company wide. This is changed by going to Settings -> Company -> Inventory -> Serial # Uniqueness | String |
Location | Free text. | String |
UserDefined1 | Free text. | String |
StartAt | Another way to specify age by using the date the serial number became available. Oldest will be allocated first. | DateTime |
Age | The age of the serial number. Oldest serial numbers will be allocated first. | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Purge | Whether or not to purge the current serial numbers before applying the attached list. | Boolean |
Collection | The list of serial numbers. | InventorySerial[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Quantity | The available quantity. | Quantity |
QuantityOnOrder | The quantity currently on order. | QuantityWithDate |
Serials | The list of serial numbers assigned to the location. Only 'Serials' or 'Bins' may be assigned. | InventorySerialCollection |
Bins | The list of bin locations. Only 'Serials' or 'Bins' may be assigned. | InventoryBinCollection |
Warehouse | The physical location of the warehouse. | Warehouse |
Name | Description | Type |
InventoryId | The Quipt generated id assigned to the item. | Guid |
Id | The record id. | Guid |
Status | The current status of the record. (New = 0, Ready = 1, Queued = 4, InProgress = 16, Completed = 64, Failed = 256) | Int |
Message | Any warning or error pertaining to the processing of the record. | String |
Record | The record number. | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
On | Whether or not to feed the item to the retailer. | Boolean |
Channel | The retailer to receive the details. | Partner |
Promo | Promotional details for this retailer. | FeedPromotion |
Allocation | The allocation details for this retailer. | QuantityWithDate |
Pricing | The pricing details for this retailer. | FeedPricing |
MapId | The identifier used to tie the item to the channel partner. This valued is provided by the retailer. | String |
ARP | The price of the item at the retailer. | Currency |
Properties | Custom properties tied to the retailer. | FeedProperty[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
SKU | The sku used to identify the item. | String |
Vendor | The merchant. | Partner |
Name | Description | Type |
Price | The feed item's price. | Currency |
SRP | The feed item's suggested retail price. | Currency |
Name | Description | Type |
StartTime | The start date of a promotion. | DateTime |
EndTime | The end date of a promotion. | DateTime |
Price | The price allowed over the promotion period. | Currency |
SRP | The suggested retail price over the promotion period. | Currency |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Code | The property code. | String |
Value | The property value. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Details | The physical locations of the inventory | Detail |
Id | Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
SKU | The merchant's unique identifier. | String |
Summary | Grouping of values used regularly with retailers. | Summary |
Catalog | Item content. | Catalog |
Pricing | Item pricing. | FeedPricing |
CurrentPricing | Current item pricing, applies currently running promotion pricing. | FeedPricing |
Promotion | Promotional details. | Promotion |
Available | Available quantity. | Quantity |
Blocked | Blocked quantity. | Quantity |
Threshold | Calculated threshold, based on run rates. | Quantity |
Freight | Freight details. | Freight |
InventoryStatus | Current status. | Int |
InventoryStatusDisplayName | Current status. | String |
InventoryStatusAt | Last status update. | DateTime? |
CatalogStatus | Current status. | Int |
CatalogStatusDisplayName | Current status. | String |
CatalogStatusAt | Last status update. | DateTime? |
ARP | Retailer pricing provided. | Currency |
LastARPChangeAt | Last time retailer provided pricing update. | DateTime? |
MapId | The retailer's identifier for the item. | String |
MapURL | The URL to the retailer's web site for the item. | String |
Properties | Additional properties assigned. | FeedProperty[] |
On | Whether item is 'On' or 'Off'. | Boolean |
Comment | The last comment applied to item. | String |
Vendor | The merchant. | Partner |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
PrimaryImageId | The primary image asset id. | Guid |
InventoryCatalogId | The catalog identifier. | Guid |
Manufacturer | The manufacturer. | String |
Title | The title. | String |
SKU | The merchant's unique identifier. | String |
MPN | The assigned MPN. | String |
Condition | The condition of the item. | Condition |
UPC | The assigned UPC. | String |
MSRP | Manufacturer suggested retailer price. | Currency |
VariantKey | Variant support, use to group items. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Location | Where the items located. | Warehouse |
Available | Available quantity. | Quantity |
UnitsPerCarton | The number of unit that may be shipped together. | Int |
LeadTimeInDays | The expected number of days to ship the item. | Int |
Multiples | The multiple required to purchase. | Int |
Minimum | The minimum quantity to purchase. | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Rates | Freight rate details. | FreightRate |
FreightCollectionOption | How to collect freight, ie 0 = Carrier Account, 1 = Prepaid, 2 = Freight. | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
ServiceLevel | The carrier method service level, ie 1 = Ground, 2 = 3 day, 4 = 2 day, 8 = Overnight. | Int |
Rate | The amount to collect for freight. | Currency |
Included | Whether or not service is included in pricing. | Boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
Pricing | Promotional pricing. | FeedPricing |
Status | Promotion status. | Int |
StatusName | Promotion status. | String |
Allocation | QuantityWithDate |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Channel | The retailer. | Company |
Type | The order type. Select 'Dropship' to included branded packing slip and hide the source of the inventory. (Standard = 0, Dropship = 1) | Int |
PurchaseOrderNumber | The purchase order number. | String |
ReferenceNumber | The purchase order number. | String |
EndCustomerReferenceNumber | A reference number the end user may have received in their confirmation. | String |
ShipTo | The shipping address. | ShippingAddress |
Gift | The purchase order gift options. | PurchaseOrderGiftOptions |
GenerateSSCCCode | Whether or not to included a SSCC bar code on the shipment. | Boolean |
LabelReference1 | The reference number to include on the shipment label. | String |
LabelReference2 | The reference number to include on the shipment label. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Wrap | Whether or not to wrap the shipment. | Boolean |
Message | A gift message to include in the shipment. Generally printed on the packing slip. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
SubTotal | The line item total. (Line.Price * Line.Ordered) | Currency |
Freight | The freight total. | Currency |
Total | The grand total. (SubTotal + Freight + Tax + Miscellaneous – Discount) | Currency |
Tax | The tax total. | Currency |
Discount | The discount total. | Currency |
Miscellaneous | The miscellaneous total. | Currency |
RemitTo | Where payment should be sent. | RemittanceAddress |
FreightCollection | How freight is collected. (ChannelAccount = 0, FreightPrePayment = 1, Invoice = 2) | Int |
Status | The current status of the order.(ActionRequired = 1, Pending = 2, Ordered = 4, Shipped = 8, Canceled = 16) | Int |
SubStatus | The current sub status of an order. (None = 0, ValidateSKUs = 5, DuplicateCheck = 10, AllocateInventory = 20, ValidatePricing = 30, ValidateAddress = 40, ValidateCarrierMethod = 50, ExecuteCustomCode = 60, ValidatePayment = 70, Hold = 80, MoveToOpen = 84, LateBackOrder = 85, LateShipment = 89, LatePickup = 90, SoftCancel = 95, ShipmentException = 100, CancelationRequested = 105, CaptureFailed = 110, RefundFailed = 115, InvalidTrackingNumber = 120) | Int |
Lines | The purchase order lines. | PurchaseOrderResult.Line[] |
Packingslips | Packingslip | |
ShipByTruckRequests | TruckShippingRequestResult[] | |
Shipments | ShipmentResult[] | |
Invoices | Invoices applied to the purchase order. | InvoiceResult[] |
Cancellations | Cancellation requests received for a purchase order. | PurchaseOrder.Line.Cancellation[] |
Notes | The most recent comment attached to the purchase order. | String |
Comments | A historical list of notes applied to the purchase order. | Comment[] |
Group | The header details of an order. | PurchaseOrderGroup |
CreatedAt | The date/time the purchase order was received. | DateTime |
Type | Whether or not the purchase order is standard or blind drop-ship. (Standard = 0, Dropship = 1) | Int |
ReferenceNumber | A merchant assigned document number. | String |
BillTo | The retailers billing address. | BillingAddress |
SpecialInstructions | Notes provided by retailer for special handling. | String |
SignatureOption | Whether or not to require signature on related shipments. (No = 0, Yes = 10) | Int |
InsuranceOption | Whether or not to require insurance on related shipments. (No = 0, Yes = 10) | Int |
FOB | When the retailer takes possession of the shipment. In the case of 'Destination' the merchant owns the product until delivered. With 'Origin' the retailer owns as soon as the product leaves the merchants dock. (Destination = 0, Origin = 10) | Int |
CarrierMethod | How the purchase order should be shipped. | CarrierMethod |
AccountDetails | Specifics on a retailer's carrier account. | PurchaseOrder.CarrierAccountDetails |
UserDefined1 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
UserDefined2 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
UserDefined3 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
Payments | The payments collected. | PurchaseOrder.Payment[] |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Vendor | The merchant. | Partner |
Channel | The retailer. | Partner |
PurchaseOrderNumber | The unique document number provided by retailer. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Status | The acknowledgement status. (None = 0, Accepted = 1, Rejected = 2) | Int |
AckAt | The date/time the acknowledgement was received. | DateTime |
Quantity | The quantity acknowledged. | Quantity |
Name | Description | Type |
VendorSKU | The sku ordered. | String |
Warehouse | The source location of the inventory. | Warehouse |
Quantity | The quantity allocated. | Quantity |
Serials | The serial numbers allocated. (Only if InventoryLocation has serial numbers assigned.) | Serial[] |
Acknowledgements | Acknowledgements assigned to the fulfillment. | PurchaseOrderResult.Acknowledgement[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Title | The item description. | String |
Condition | The item condition. | Condition |
Weight | The item weight. | Weight |
Dimensions | The item dimensions. | Dimensions |
MapId | The sku value used to synchronize with the retailer. | String |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier for the feed used to fill the order. | Guid |
SKU | The sku ordered. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Fulfillments | The breakout of how the order was fulfilled from inventory. It contains detail of who/what vendors filled the order, and the specific items were used to do it. | PurchaseOrderResult.Fulfillment[] |
Acknowledgements | Acknowledgements received against the purchase order. | PurchaseOrderResultAcknowledgement[] |
Item | The details of the item ordered. | PurchaseOrderResult.Item |
Canceled | The quantity canceled. | Quantity |
BackOrdered | The quantity back ordered. | QuantityWithDate |
Shipped | The quantity shipped. | Quantity |
SubstitutionFor | A reference to the originally ordered line. | PurchaseOrderResult.SubstituteLine |
LineNumber | The Quipt generated line number. | Int |
Ordered | The quantity ordered. | Quantity |
Tax | The line tax total. | Currency |
Miscellaneous | The line miscellaneous total. | Currency |
Discount | The line discount total. | Currency |
Freight | The line freight total. | Currency |
Price | The unit price. | Currency |
UserDefined1 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
UserDefined2 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
UserDefined3 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
RequestedShipDate | The date the retailer requested a shipment. | DateTime |
Status | The current status. (ActionRequired = 1, Pending = 2, Ordered = 4, Shipped = 8, Canceled = 16) | Int |
StatusAt | The last status update. | DateTime |
SubStatus | The line's current substatus. (None = 0, ValidateSKUs = 5, DuplicateCheck = 10, AllocateInventory = 20, ValidatePricing = 30, ValidateAddress = 40, ValidateCarrierMethod = 50, ExecuteCustomCode = 60, ValidatePayment = 70, Hold = 80, MoveToOpen = 84, LateBackOrder = 85, LateShipment = 89, LatePickup = 90, SoftCancel = 95, ShipmentException = 100, CancelationRequested = 105, CaptureFailed = 110, RefundFailed = 115, InvalidTrackingNumber = 120) | Int |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
Item | The item details. | PurchaseOrderResult.Item |
Price | The original purchase price. | Currency |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
Vendor | The merchant. | Partner |
Channel | The retailer. | Partner |
PurchaseOrderNumber | The unique document number provided by retailer. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Status | The cancellation status. (New = 0, Approved = 10, Cancelled = 100, Failure = -1) | Int |
LastStatusUpdateAt | The date/time of the last status update. | DateTime |
Reason | The reason for the cancellation. | PurchaseOrder.Line.CancellationReason |
Canceled | The quantity canceled. | Quantity |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Text | The reason test. | String |
Code | The unique reason code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Channel | The retailer that placed the original order. | Partner |
Order | The original order. | PurchaseOrder |
RemitTo | The remittance address. | RemittanceAddress |
ShipTo | The ship to address. | ShippingAddress |
BillTo | The bill to address. | BillingAddress |
SubTotal | The invoice sub total. (Summation of Line.UnitPrice*Line.Shipped) | Currency |
Freight | The freight total. | Currency |
Total | The invoice total. (SubTotal + Tax + Miscellaneous + Freight – Discount) | Currency |
Tax | The tax total. | Currency |
Discount | The discount total. | Currency |
Miscellaneous | The miscellaneous total. | Currency |
UserDefined1 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
UserDefined2 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
UserDefined3 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
Lines | The invoice lines. | PurchaseOrderInvoiceResult.Line[] |
Tracking | The tracking details. | PurchaseOrderTrackingResult[] |
Payments | The payment details. | Payment[] |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
InvoiceNumber | The invoice number assigned by the merchant. | String |
InvoicedAt | The invoice date. | DateTime |
Name | Description | Type |
OrderLineId | The Quipt generated identifier for the original purchase order line. | Guid |
SKU | The invoiced SKU. | String |
MapId | The invoiced MapId. This is a Quipt generated value synchronized with the retailer. | String |
UserDefined1 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
UserDefined2 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
UserDefined3 | Custom values provided by channel. The data provided here varies between each retailer partner. | String |
LineNumber | The Quipt generated line number. | Int |
Ordered | The quantity ordered. | Quantity |
Shipped | The quantity shipped. | Quantity |
Remaining | The quantity remaining to be fulfilled. | Quantity |
Tax | The tax line total. | Currency |
Miscellaneous | The miscellaneous line total. | Currency |
Discount | The discount line total. | Currency |
Freight | The freight line total. | Currency |
Price | The unit price. | Currency |
SubTotal | The extended total. (Price * Shipped) | Currency |
Title | The item title. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
PerWarehouse | The packing slip | PackingslipWarehouse[] |
Data | A string that consists of the packing slip data in the format specified in 'Format'. | Base64String |
Format | The packing slip format. (Laser = 0, Thermal = 1, PDF = 2) | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Warehouse | The warehouse intended to receive the packing slip. | Warehouse |
Data | A string that consists of the packing slip data in the format specified in 'Format'. | Base64String |
Format | The packing slip format. (Laser = 0, Thermal = 1, PDF = 2) | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Data | A string that consists of the data in the format specified in 'Format'. | Base64String |
Format | The packing slip format. (Laser = 0, Thermal = 1, PDF = 2) | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Order | The purchase order. Provide either the channel (Channel.Code or Channel.Id) and purchase order number (PurchaseOrderNumber) or Quipt generated identifier (Id). | PurchaseOrderBase |
Warehouse | The warehouse acknowledging the order. | Warehouse |
Lines | The lines to acknowledge. | PurchaseOrderAcknowledgement.Line[] |
Name | Description | Type |
ExpectedShipDate | The expected ship date. | DateTime |
Quantity | The quantity accepted. | Quantity |
Name | Description | Type |
PromisedDate | The date the order is expected to ship. | DateTime |
Quantity | The quantity to back order. | Quantity |
Name | Description | Type |
SKU | The SKU to acknowledge. | String |
Accepted | The accepted details. | PurchaseOrderAcknowledgement.Accepted |
Rejected | The rejected details. | PurchaseOrderAcknowledgement.Rejected |
BackOrdered | The back ordered details. | PurchaseOrderAcknowledgement.BackOrdered |
Id | The Quipt generated purchase order line. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
ReasonCode | The rejection reason code. | String |
ReasonText | The rejection reason text. | String |
Serials | The specific serial numbers to reject. | InventorySerial[] |
Quantity | The quantity to reject. | Quantity |
Name | Description | Type |
Order | The purchase order. | PurchaseOrder |
Lines | The invoice lines. | PurchaseOrderInvoice.Line[] |
InvoiceNumber | The invoice number. | String |
InvoicedAt | The invoice date. | DateTime |
Freight | The freight invoiced. | Currency |
Tax | The tax invoiced. | Currency |
Discount | The discount invoiced. | Currency |
Miscellaneous | The miscellaneous fee invoiced. | Currency |
Total | The total invoiced. | Currency |
Name | Description | Type |
Invoiced | The quantity invoiced. | Quantity |
Price | The unit price. | Currency |
SKU | The sku. | String |
Id | The Quipt generated purchase order line identifier. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
AccountNumber | The carrier account number. | String |
BillToPostalCode | The billing postal code. | String |
BillToCountry | the billing country. | Country |
AccountType | How the account should be applied. (None = 0, ThirdParty = 1, Recipient = 2, Prepaid = 3) | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Order | The purchase order. | PurchaseOrder |
Warehouse | The warehouse. | Warehouse |
Packages | The packaging details for the shipment. | PurchaseOrder.Shipment.Package[] |
Invoice | The invoice to apply to the shipment. | Invoice |
Name | Description | Type |
SKU | The sku shipped. | String |
Shipped | The quantity shipped. | Quantity |
Serials | The serial numbers shipped. If Quipt manages the allocation of serial numbers the values here should match. | String[] |
Id | The Quipt generated purchase order line. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
Lines | The purchase order lines to include in the package. | PurchaseOrder.Shipment.Line[] |
CarrierMethod | The carrier method for this shipment. | CarrierMethod |
TrackingNumber | The tracking number for this shipment. | String |
Freight | The freight to invoice. Depending on the partner policies this may be ignored. | Currency |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
PaymentInfo | The payment method. | PaymentMethod |
Amount | The payment amount. | Currency |
CreditCardInfo | Credit card details. This will not contain credit card details, but enough detail to distinguish between multiple cards. | PurchaseOrder.CreditCard |
Name | Description | Type |
AddToOnFile | Whether or not the entered card details should be saved for later use. | Boolean |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier for a stored credit card. | Guid |
CardType | The card type. (1 = Visa, 2 = MasterCard, 3 = American Express, 4 = Discover) | Int |
Name | The name on the credit card. | String |
CardNumber | The card's number. If this is part of a lookup this will not include card number. | String |
Expiration | The card's expiration. If this is part of a lookup this will not include a card expiration. | String |
CVV | The card's CVV. If this is part of a lookup this value will not be included. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
PurchaseOrderId | The Quipt generated id assigned to the purchase order. | Guid |
PurchaseOrderLineId | The Quipt generated id assigned to the purchase order line. | Guid |
Id | The record id. | Guid |
Status | The current status of the record. (New = 0, Ready = 1, Queued = 4, InProgress = 16, Completed = 64, Failed = 256) | Int |
Message | Any warning or error pertaining to the processing of the record. | String |
Record | The record number. | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Serial | The serial number assigned to this unit. | InventorySerial |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
CarrierMethod | The carrier method. | CarrierMethodResult |
Fills | The items part of this shipment. | ShipmentResult.Fill[] |
Status | The shipment status. (Pending = 2, New = 32, Ready = 128, Generating = 512, Generated = 1024, Exported = 4096, Printed = 16384, PickupRequested = 131072, PickedUp = 524288, Error = 2097152, Canceled = 8388608) | Int |
ErrorMessage | Message if status is 'Error'. | String |
InsurableValue | The amount to insure the package. | Currency |
Tracking | Tracking details assigned to the order. | TrackingResult |
Invoices | Invoice assigned to the shipment. | Invoice[] |
Packingslip | The packing slip attached to the shipment. | PrintableDocument |
Labels | The labels attached to the shipment. | PrintableDocument[] |
Warehouse | The sourcing warehouse location. | Warehouse |
ShipAt | The ship date. | DateTime |
UserDefined1 | Currently unused | String |
UserDefined2 | Currently unused | String |
Weight | The shipment weight. | Weight |
Dimensions | The shipment dimensions. | Dimensions |
CarrierAccountDetails | The carrier account details. | PurchaseOrder.CarrierAccountDetails |
SSCC | The SSCC code assigned to the shipment if requested by retailer. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Status | The fill status. (None = 0, Ordered = 2, Shipped = 8, Canceled = 64, ReturnRequested = 256, Returned = 1024) | Int |
PickStatus | The pick status. (None = 0, Picking = 2, Picked = 8, CancelationRequested = 64, CancelConfirmed = 256, Canceled = 1024) | Int |
VendorSKU | The sku. | String |
Tax | The tax for this unit. | Currency |
Miscellaneous | The miscellaneous fee for this unit. | Currency |
Price | The price for this unit. | Currency |
Freight | The freight for this unit. | Currency |
Discount | The discount for this unit. | Currency |
Cost | The cost for this unit. | Currency |
Invoice | The invoice assigned to this unit. | Invoice |
Line | The purchase order line. | PurchaseOrderResult.Line |
Serial | The serial number assigned to this unit. | InventorySerial |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
TrackingURL | The url to view the tracking details. | String |
CreatedAt | The date created. | DateTime |
CurrentStatus | The current status. (None = 0, Canceled = 1, Invalid = 2, LabelGenerated = 8, InRoute = 1024, Delivered = 8192, Exception = 32768, ReturnedToSender = 65536) | Int |
LastUpdatedAt | The date/time the status was last updated. | DateTime |
EstimatedDelivery | The estimated delivery date. | DateTime |
TrackingNumber | The tracking number. | String |
CarrierMethod | The carrier method. | CarrierMethodResult |
Name | Description | Type |
Weight | The pallets weight. | Weight |
Dimensions | The pallets dimensions. | Dimensions |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Status | The current status. (New = 0, Open = 2, Accepted = 8, Rejected = 64, Canceled = 256) | Int |
LastStatusUpdateAt | The date/time last updated. | DateTime |
CreatedAt | The date/time request created. | DateTime |
Warehouse | The warehouse. | Warehouse |
WarehouseOpen | The opening time for warehouse. | TimeSpan |
WarehouseClose | The closing time for warehouse. | TimeSpan |
WarehousePhoneNumber | The warehouse phone number. | PhoneNumber |
ShipmentReadyAt | The time shipment is expected to be ready for pickup. | DateTime |
IsLiftGateRequired | Whether or not a lift gate is required. | Boolean |
IsInsidePickupRequired | Whether or not an inside pickup is required. | Boolean |
ShipmentClass | The shipment class. (Class50 = 0, Class55 = 1, Class60 = 2, Class65 = 3, Class70 = 4, Class77_5 = 5, Class85 = 6, Class92_5 = 7, Class100 = 8, Class110 = 9, Class125 = 10, Class150 = 11, Class175 = 12, Class200 = 13, Class250 = 14, Class300 = 15, Class400 = 16, Class500 = 17) | Int |
SendBillOfLadingToEmailAddress | The email address to send the completed BOL. | String |
CallWarehousePriorToPickup | Whether or not to call warehouse prior to pickup. | Boolean |
Pallets | The pallet details. | ShipmentResult.TruckRequestPallet[] |
Name | Description | Type |
AckType | The acknowledgement type. (Received = 0, Printed = 1, AwaitingPickup = 2, PickedUp = 3, Cancel = 4, Invoice = 5) | Int |
CancelationDetails | Include this property if the acknowledgement type is 'Cancel'. | ShipmentAcknowledgement.CancellationReason |
InvoiceDetails | Include this property if the acknowledgement type is 'Invoice'. | ShipmentAcknowledgement.Invoice |
ShipmentId | The Quipt generated identifier to reference the shipment. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Text | The reason test. | String |
Code | The unique reason code. Click here for a list of available codes. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
InvoiceNumber | The invoice number assigned by the merchant. | String |
InvoicedAt | The invoice date. | DateTime |
Name | Description | Type |
ShipmentId | The Quipt generated id assigned to the shipment. | Guid |
Id | The record id. | Guid |
Status | The current status of the record. (New = 0, Ready = 1, Queued = 4, InProgress = 16, Completed = 64, Failed = 256) | Int |
Message | Any warning or error pertaining to the processing of the record. | String |
Record | The record number. | Int |
Name | Code | |
AIT – White Glove Service | AITWG | |
Conway | CNWY | |
Customer Pickup | CSTPKP | |
Dayton Freight | DAYTON | |
Demar Logistics | Inc. – Delivery and Install | DMRDI |
Demar Logistics | Inc. – Threshold | DMRTH |
Estes Express Lines | ESTE | |
FedEx – 2-Day | FDX2D | |
FedEx – Express Saver | FDX3D | |
FedEx – First Overnight | FDX1DFT | |
FedEx – Ground | FDXGD | |
FedEx – Home Delivery | FDXHD | |
FedEx – Priority Overnight | FDX1DPR | |
FedEx – Smart Post | FDXSP | |
FedEx – Standard Overnight | FDX1D | |
FedEx SmartPost – Parcel Select | FDXSPPS | |
FedEx SmartPost – Parcel Select Lightweight | FDXSPPSLW | |
Lakeville Motor Express | LKEMOEX | |
R & L Carriers | RNL | |
Reddaway | REDDAWY | |
Roadrunner | ROADRNR | |
Roadway | RDWY | |
United California Freight Solutions | UCFS | |
UPS – 2nd Day Air | UPS2D | |
UPS – 2nd Day Air Early AM | UPSDAM | |
UPS – 3 Day | UPS3D | |
UPS – Freight | UPSFR | |
UPS – Ground | UPSGD | |
UPS – Next Day Air | UPS1DPR | |
UPS – Next Day Air Early AM | UPS1DFT | |
UPS – Next Day Air Saver | UPS1D | |
UPS Mail Innovation – Economy Mail | UPSMIECM | |
UPS Mail Innovation – Expedited Mail | UPSMIEXM | |
UPS Mail Innovation – First Class Mail | UPSMIFCM | |
UPS Mail Innovation – Priority | UPSMIPR | |
UPS Mail Innovation – Priority Mail | UPSMIPRM | |
UPS SurePost – 1lb and Greater | UPSSPG1 | |
UPS SurePost – Bound Printed Matter | UPSSPPM | |
UPS SurePost – Less then 1lb | UPSSPL1 | |
UPS SurePost – Media | UPSSPMD | |
USPS – Express | USPSEXP | |
USPS – First Class Mail | USPSFC | |
USPS – Parcel Post | USPSPAR | |
USPS – Parcel Select | USPSPRS | |
USPS – Priority Mail | USPSPRI | |
YRC Freight | YTGD |
Name | Description | Type |
Return | Return options for the service request. | Request.Return |
Credit | Credit options for the service request. | Request.Credit |
MissingAccessory | Missing Accessory options for the request. | Request.MissingAccessory |
Notes | The most recent comment attached to the service request. | String |
Type | The type of service request. (None = 0, MissingAccessory = 10, Intercept = 20, LostShipments = 30, Claim = 35, PartialCredit = 40, Return = 1000) | Int |
PurchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder | |
UserDefined1 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined2 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined3 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
Lines | The service request lines. | Request.Line[] |
CloseOnSubmission | Controls how the request is processed. | Boolean |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
ReferenceNumber | The reference number for the service request. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Amount | The credit amount. | Currency |
Name | Description | Type |
Request | The request lookup. | RequestLookup |
Action | The update action type. (None = 0, Accepted = 4, Counter = 16, Impasse = 64) | Int |
NewReferenceNumber | The update request reference number. | String |
Notes | Notes for the update request. | String |
Lines | Request line update details. | Request.CreditUpdateRequest.Line[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Amount | The credit amount. | Currency |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated request line id. | Guid |
Credit | Credit options. | Request.CreditUpdateRequest.Credit |
Name | Description | Type |
Request | The request lookup. | RequestLookup |
NewReferenceNumber | The update request reference number. | String |
Action | The update action type. (None = 0, Attempt = 4, Failure = 16, SuccessInRouteToChannel = 64, SuccessDeliveredToChannel = 128, SuccessInRouteToVendor = 256, SuccessDeliveredToVendor = 512) | Int |
Notes | Notes for the update request. | String |
Lines | Request line update details. | Request.InterceptUpdateRequest.Line[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated request line id. | Guid |
ReturnedTo | Return warehouse options. | Request.InterceptUpdateRequest.Warehouse |
Name | Description | Type |
Warehouse | The warehouse details. | Warehouse |
ReadyForResale | Whether or not the item is ready for resale. | Boolean |
CreateReturn | Whether or not a return should be created. | Boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
FillLine | The shipment fill item associated with the request line. | Shipment.Fill |
Serials | The specific serial numbers in the request. | InventorySerial |
Request | The request. | RequestLookup |
ReturnDetails | The request line return details. | Request.Line.Return |
MissingAccessoryDetails | The request line missing accessory details. | Request.Line.MissingAccessory |
SKU | The SKU requested. | String |
MapId | The identifier used to tie the item to the channel partner. This valued is provided by the retailer. | String |
UserDefined1 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined2 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined3 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
ItemsToReplace | The list of accessories to replace. | String[] |
Name | Description | Type |
ReturnCarrierMethod | The return carrier method. | CarrierMethod |
RReturnTrackingNumber | The return tracking number. | String |
ReadyForResale | Whether or not the item is ready to be resold. | Boolean |
ReturnTo | Where the return should be sent. | Warehouse |
UnidentifiedItemId | The Quipt generated identifier for the unidentified item. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
Request | The request lookup. | RequestLookup |
NewReferenceNumber | The update request reference number. | String |
Notes | Notes for the update request. | String |
Action | The update action type. (None = 0, TraceRequested = 4, TraceFailed = 16, InRouteToCustomer = 64, InRouteToChannel = 128, InRouteToVendor = 256, DeliveredToCustomer = 512, DeliveredToChannel = 1024, DeliveredToVendor = 2048, OpenedClaim = 4096) | Int |
Lines | Request line update details. | Request.LostShipmentUpdateRequest.Line[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated request line id. | Guid |
ReturnedTo | Return warehouse options. | Request.LostShipmentUpdateRequest.Warehouse |
Name | Description | Type |
Warehouse | The warehouse details. | Warehouse |
ReadyForResale | Whether or not the item is ready for resale. | Boolean |
CreateReturn | Whether or not a return should be created. | Boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
ShipOnChannelAccount | Use the channel shipping account. | Boolean |
CarrierMethod | The carrier method. | CarrierMethod |
MissingAccessoryResolution | (None = 0, Credit = 5, Send = 10) | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
Request | The request lookup. | RequestLookup |
Action | The update action type. (None = 0, CreditOffered = 4, CreditAccepted = 16, CreditCountered = 64, ReturnCreated = 256, LabelRequested = 1024, LabelGenerating = 2048, LabelGenerated = 4096, LabelError = 8192, PickupRequested = 16384, Shipped = 65536) | Int |
NewReferenceNumber | The update request reference number. | String |
Notes | Notes for the update request. | String |
Lines | Request line update details. | Request.MissingAccessoryUpdateRequest.Line[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Amount | The credit amount. | Currency |
Name | Description | Type |
Weight | The request line item weight. | Weight |
CarrierMethod | The carrier method. | CarrierMethod |
TrackingNumber | The shipping tracking number. | String |
ItemsToBeShipped | The request items to ship. | String[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated request line id. | Guid |
Credit | Credit options. | Request.MissingAccessoryUpdateRequest.Credit |
Shipped | Shipping options. | Request.MissingAccessoryUpdateRequest.Shipped |
Name | Description | Type |
Type | The type of return. (None = 0, Defective = 5, BuyersRemorse = 10, Refused = 15, LostShipment = 20, Intercepted = 25) | Int |
Resolution | The return resolution. (None = 0, Credit = 5, Exchange = 10, AdvancedExchange = 15) | Int |
GenerateReturnLabel | Whether or not a return label is generated. | Boolean |
GenerateReturnLabelEmailTo | The email address on the prepaid label. | String |
GenerateReturnCarrierMethod | The return carrier method. | CarrierMethod |
AdvancedReplacement | Whether or not the return should be processed with an expedited replacement. | Boolean |
AdvancedReplacementCarrierMethod | The advanced replacement carrier method. | CarrierMethod |
ReturnFrom | The shipping address where the return came from. | Shipping Address |
Name | Description | Type |
Action | The update action type. (None = 0, Credited = 4, CreditOffered = 16, Exchanged = 64, Received = 256, LabelRequested = 1024, LabelGenerating = 2048, LabelGenerated = 4096, LabelError = 8192, PickupRequested = 16384, Accepted = 65536) | Int |
Request | The request lookup. | RequestLookup |
NewReferenceNumber | The update request reference number. | String |
Notes | Notes for the update request. | String |
Lines | Request line update details. | Request.ReturnUpdateRequest.Line[] |
Name | Description | Type |
ReplacementItem | The replacement item. | FeedBase |
Name | Description | Type |
HasRestockingFee | Whether or not the return item has a restocking fee. | Boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
CarrierMethod | The carrier method. | CarrierMethod |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated request line id. | Guid |
Exchange | Exchange update request options. | Request.ReturnUpdateRequest.Exchange |
Credit | Credit update request options. | Request.ReturnUpdateRequest.Credit |
Accept | Accept update request options. | Request.ReturnUpdateRequest.Accept |
ReturnedTo | Return warehouse update request options. | Request.ReturnUpdateRequest.Warehouse |
CarrierMethod | Carrier method return options. | CarrierMethod |
TrackingNumber | Tracking number for the update request. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Warehouse | The warehouse details. | Warehouse |
ReadyForResale | Whether or not the item is ready to be resold. | Boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
Request | The request. | RequestLookup |
Lines | The request lines to acknowledge. | RequestAcknowledgement.Line[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Quantity | Quantity |
Name | Description | Type |
SKU | The line item sku. | String |
Accepted | The accepted options. | RequestAcknowledgement.Accepted |
ejected | The rejected options. | RequestAcknowledgement.Rejected |
Id | The Quipt generated request line id. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
ReasonCode | The unique rejection code. | String |
ReasonText | The user friendly reason. | String |
Quantity | The amount of lines rejected. | Quantity |
Name | Description | Type |
Request | The request lookup. | RequestLookup |
Reason | The cancellation reason. | Reason |
ForceCancelation | Whether or not cancellation to force a cancellation. | Boolean |
Lines | The requst lines to cancel. | Request.CancelRequest.Line[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The request line id. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
RequestId | The Quipt generated service request id. | Guid |
Id | The Quipt generated request batch id. | Guid |
Status | The current batch item status. (New = 0, Ready = 1, Queued = 4, InProgress = 16, Completed = 64, Failed = 256) | Int |
Message | Any warning or error pertaining to the processing of the record. | String |
Record | The report record number. | Int |
Name | Description | Type |
GroupReferenceNumber | The service request group reference number. | String |
ActionReferenceNumber | The service request action reference number. | String |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Channel | The retailer. | Partner |
Vendor | The merchant. | Partner |
FOB | When the retailer takes possession of the shipment. In the case of 'Destination' the merchant owns the product until delivered. With 'Origin' the retailer owns as soon as the product leaves the merchants dock. (Destination = 0, Origin = 10) | Int |
Status | The request status. (Incomplete = 0, ActionRequired = 1, Pending = 2, Open = 4, Closed = 8, Canceled = 16) | Int |
CreatedAt | The date the request was created. | DateTime |
Lines | The service request lines. | RequestResult.Line[] |
Group | The purchase order group associated with the request. | PurchaseOrderGroup |
Tax | The tax amount. | Currency |
Freight | The Freight amount. | Currency |
Discount | The discount amount. | Currency |
Miscellaneous | The miscellaneous amount. | Currency |
SubTotal | The sub total. | Currency |
UserDefined4 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined5 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined6 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
Return | Return options for the service request. | Request.Return |
Credit | Credit options for the service request. | Request.Credit |
MissingAccessory | Missing Accessory for the request. | Request.MissingAccessory |
Notes | The most recent comment attached to the service request. | String |
Type | The type of service request. (None = 0, MissingAccessory = 10, Intercept = 20, LostShipments = 30, Claim = 35, PartialCredit = 40, Return = 1000) | Int |
PurchaseOrder | The order associated with the request. | PurchaseOrder |
UserDefined1 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined2 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined3 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
CloseOnSubmission | Controls how the request is processed. | Boolean |
ReferenceNumber | The reference number for the service request. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
FillLine | The shipment fill item associated with the request line. | ShipmentResult.Fill |
Tracking | Tracking details assigned to the request line. | TrackingResult |
OrderLine | The purchase order line associated with the request line. | PurchaseOrderResult.Line |
Status | The request line status. (Incomplete = 0, ActionRequired = 1, Pending = 2, Open = 4, Closed = 8, Canceled = 16) | Int |
StatusAt | The date/time when the service request status was updated. | DateTime |
InterceptDetails | The request line interception details. | RequestResult.Line.Intercept |
LostShipmentDetails | The request line lost shipment details. | RequestResult.Line.LostShipment |
MissingAccessoryDetails | The request line missing accessory details. | RequestResult.Line.MissingAccessory |
ClaimDetails | The request line claim details. | RequestResult.Line.Claim |
CreditDetails | The request line credit details. | RequestResult.Line.Credit |
ReturnDetails | The request line return details. | RequestResult.Line.Return |
SLA | Service level agreement details. | RequestResult.Line.SLADetails |
OriginalChannelInvoice | The original retailer invoice. | ShipmentAcknowledgement.Invoice |
ActionReferenceNumber | The request line action reference number. | String |
UserDefined4 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined5 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined6 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
Serials | The specific serial numbers in the request. | InventorySerial |
Request | The request. | RequestLookup |
SKU | The SKU requested. | String |
MapId | The identifier used to tie the item to the channel partner. This valued is provided by the retailer. | String |
UserDefined1 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined2 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
UserDefined3 | Custom values. The data provided here varies between each partner. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Amount | The claim amount. | Currency |
ReferenceNumber | The request reference number. | String |
Status | The claim action status. (None = 0, Opened = 5, Paid = 10, Denied = 15) | Int |
StatusAt | The date/time when the claim action status was updated. | DateTime |
Notes | The most recent comment attached to the request line. | Comment |
Name | Description | Type |
Status | The credit action status. (None = 0, Accepted = 5, Counter = 10, Impasse = 15) | Int |
StatusAt | The date/time when the claim action status was updated. | DateTime |
Notes | The most recent comment attached to the request line. | Comment |
Credit | The credit amount. | Currency |
ReferenceNumber | The request action reference number. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Status | The interception action status. (None = 0, Attempt = 5, Failure = 10, SuccessInRouteToChannel = 15, SuccessDeliveredToChannel = 20, SuccessInRouteToVendor = 25, SuccessDeliveredToVendor = 30) | Int |
StatusAt | The date/time when the interception action status was updated. | DateTime |
Notes | The most recent comment attached to the request line. | Comment |
RequestCreatedOnSuccess | The request created for the return. | RequestLookup |
Name | Description | Type |
Status | The lost shipment action status. (None = 0, TraceRequested = 5, TraceFailed = 10, InRouteToCustomer = 25, InRouteToChannel = 30, InRouteToVendor = 35, DeliveredToCustomer = 40, DeliveredToChannel = 45, DeliveredToVendor = 50, OpenedClaim = 60) | Int |
StatusAt | The date/time when the lost shipment action status was updated. | DateTime |
Notes | The most recent comment attached to the request line. | Comment |
RequestCreatedOnDeliveryToVendor | The request created for the return. | RequestLookup |
RequestCreatedForClaim | The claim request. | RequestLookup |
Name | Description | Type |
Status | The missing accessory action status. (None = 0, CreditOffered = 5, CreditAccepted = 10, CreditCountered = 15, ReturnCreated = 20, LabelRequested = 25, LabelGenerating = 30, LabelGenerated = 35, LabelError = 37, PickupRequested = 38, Shipped = 40) | Int |
StatusAt | The date/time when the missing accessory action status was updated. | DateTime |
Notes | The most recent comment attached to the request line. | Comment |
Credit | The accessory credit options. | RequestResult.Line.MissingAccessory.Credit |
RequestCreatedForReturn | The return request. | RequestLookup |
Tracking | The request line or shipment tracking details. | TrackingResult |
Label | The packing label for the request line. | PrintableDocument |
ReplacedItems | The list of replaced accessories. | String[] |
ItemsToReplace | The list of accessories to replace. | String[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Tracking | The request line or shipment tracking details. | TrackingResult |
ReturnTo | Where the return should be sent. | Warehouse |
IsYourReturnToWarehouse | Whether or not the return warehouse is operated by your company. | Boolean |
Status | The return action status. (None = 0, Credited = 5, CreditOffered = 10, Exchanged = 15, Received = 20, LabelRequested = 25, LabelGenerating = 30, LabelGenerated = 35, LabelError = 37, PickupRequested = 38, Accepted = 40) | Int |
StatusAt | The date/time when the return action status was updated. | DateTime |
Notes | The most recent comment attached to the request line. | Comment |
ReferenceNumber | The request action reference number. | String |
CreditDetails | The retun credit options. | RequestResult.Line.Return.Credit |
Replacement | The replacement order. | PurchaseOrder |
PrepaidLabel | ShipmentLabel | |
OriginalCondition | CatalogCondition | |
PrepaidLabel | A prepaid shipping label. | PrintableDocument |
OriginalSource | The original merchant. | Partner |
ReturnCarrierMethod | The return carrier method. | CarrierMethod |
ReturnTrackingNumber | The return tracking number. | String |
ReadyForResale | Whether or not the item is ready to be resold. | Boolean |
UnidentifiedItemId | The Quipt generated identifier for the unidentified item. | Guid |
Name | Description | Type |
Credit | The credit amount. | Currency |
RestockingFee | The restocking fee. | Currency |
Freight | The freight amount. | Currency |
Tax | The tax amount. | Currency |
Discount | The discount amount. | Currency |
Miscellaneous | The miscellaneous amount. | Currency |
Name | Description | Type |
Expiration | The expiration date and time. | DateTime |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
ReferenceNumber | This may be either the original order number or the RMA number assigned to the item. | String |
PartNumber | The SKU of the item. | String |
SerialNumber | The serial number of the item. | String |
Notes | Additional notes related to the item. | String |
Warehouse | The warehouse holding the item. | Warehouse |
Tracking | The tracking number referenced on the package when received. | Tracking |
Channel | The retailer that returned the item. | Partner |
Manufacturer | The manufacturer of the item. | CatalogManufacturer |
Category | The category of the item. | CatalogCategory |
Name | Description | Type |
CarrierMethod | The courier that facilitated delivery. | CarrierMethod |
Trackingnumber | The unique reference number provided by the carrier to monitor movement. | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Catalog | The item specifics. | Catalog |
Conditions | The list of existing sub-items by condition. | CatalogCondition[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Id | The Quipt generated identifier. | Guid |
Condition | The condition. | Condition |
SKUs | The related SKUs. | CatalogSKU[] |
EstValue | The estimated value as calculated by Quipt. For informational purposes only. | Currency |
Channels | Retailer specific details. | CatalogChannel[] |
Name | Description | Type |
Name | The retailer name. | String |
BuyBox | The buy box information. | CatalogChannelBuyBox |
Name | Description | Type |
UpdatedAt | The last buy box update. | String |
Price | The buy box price. | Currency |
Url | A link to the winning buy box listing. | String |